Friday, May 03, 2024
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     In 2015 Kathy & James Bagley opened up a business called Finley’s, which brought a great place to buy jewelry, home décor, gifts, and so much more.  Instead of going out of town to shop, now you can go downtown to find unique and new merchandise in your local area. With friendly employees & great items, Finley’s has brought a great amount of business in. While exceeding expectations in sales, they decided to expand their store even more. Finley’s renovated the old Hallmark Store next to them & made more room for more varieties of merchandise.  James says he really wants to keep the downtown businesses open and keep the culture alive. To coincide with their expansion of Finley’s, they have renovated the former Heard & Jones building to make Finley’s Fountain, which is located at 114 N. Cuyler. They have completed the renovations and will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Finley’s has made it easier for Pampa’s citizens to shop closer to home and made downtown Pampa a livelier place to be. Finley’s continues to grow and is such a great addition to the Pampa Community. On their Facebook page, they update you on their new merchandise and on Finley’s Fountains construction progress.  So go and check out their store for all their unique and new merchandise, and stop by Finley's Fountain and tell them sent you!